Three Favourite Things

What do Anne of Green Gables, a type of home known as a yurt, and The Third Row have in common? 

  1. The Third Row: You know when you're flipping through a magazine and there's tonnes of awesome independent stores and designers mentioned and you think to yourself how awesome it would be to be able to browse them all in one place...organized by category...and be able to see which ones are being talked about at the moment? Dream no more...that's what The Third Row does...a curated indie collection from your favourite magazines/blogs just waiting for you to start scrolling through. Love.
  2. The Yurt: Until recently I had no idea what a yurt was...until I was contacted by Lisa through my store, wanting to know if by any chance I would consider customising my "You + Me + Veggie Patch = Home" print to include the silhouette of a yurt instead of a house, as this is what home is to her. She sent me some photos, and I googled a bit...and customised the print to match the shape of her home. Tonight, it was posted to France...first international order...yay! :)
  3. Searching for Anne of Green Gables on Prince Edward Island: This article by Ann Mah in the New York Times describes what it's like to visit the home of "Anne with an E" and her creator, author LM Montgomery. It describes what I feared, the over commercialisation of parts of Prince Edward Island to promote the books and characters...but at the same time, how a true fan of Anne can still go and seek out quieter woods and fields...wandering off course to still discover the magic of where Green Gables was dreamt up. See beautiful excerpt below. I'm getting itchy feet travel wise.

"I turned off one highway, down a clay road edged by towering spruce trees, stopping at the edge of a field “starred with hundreds of dandelions,” as the author wrote in her journals. For as far as my eye could see, there was only farmland, interlocking patches of red plowed fields and green meadows dotted with solitary farmhouses, a view that could have been lifted straight from the books. Indeed, as I explored the area west of Cavendish — small communities like French River, Park Corner and North Granville — I realized I needed only a bit of imagination to picture Anne beside me. Any of these dirt roads could be “Lovers’ Lane,” the secluded cow path where Anne liked to “think out loud”; any of the farmhouses her Green Gables; any of the sun-splashed ponds her “Lake of Shining Waters.”

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