October: Around Here

A few little bits and pieces from life lately, around here...


A birthday dinner at Borchelli's with a view to The Capital & cake/pressies at home afterwards. Sitting in the rain waiting for RACV...and a lovely macaron date at Mason's with some gorgeous ladies!


Stormy sunsets (the silver lining after the RACV jump start!) and shopping for stationery in Melbourne...are there stationery support groups?!


Finally getting to enjoy the sun...with Mr Big Ears and going bush with my bike...nothing better to clear the mind & put stress behind you!

Watching: Argo (welcome back to the big screen Ben Affleck), Act of Valor...and LOVING Homeland! Claire Danes is the best...and I've loved Mandy Patinkin (holla!) since Chicago Hope days.
Reading: Black Caviar, Frankie mags at Old Green Bean...and catching up on some blogs I've been missing.
Planning: Some long awaited annual leave...beach time, city time, and ticking off a bucket list moment
Listening: Lisa Mitchell's "Bless This Mess", Sarah Blasko's "I Awake" and catching up on a back log of podcasts (Books on the Nightstand and Nova's Hughsey & Kate)
Cooking: not as much as I should be! Birthday cake, vegetable soup & chicken casserole...I really need to get back into meal planning
Contemplating: being married for 9 years this week...which is crazy to me because it seems like just yesterday...constantly amazed at how lucky I am to spend every day with my best friend

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